Adult ADHD Slideshows

Do you struggle with ADHD symptoms such as disorganization, lack of focus, and poor time management? Do you have trouble maintaining relationships? Use the slideshows below to help you regain control of your life, ADHD adults.
Never Caught Up, Never Balanced, Never Believed
Healthy Minds & Bodies 13 slides
They say it’s what you can’t see that usually kills you. So why is it that my hidden, silent struggles with ADHD are so often dismissed? Condemned? Ridiculed? The daily challenges are real, and really depleting when it feels like the whole world is wagging its finger. ... start slideshow
Can't Stop the (ADHD) Feeling!
Success on the Job 17 slides
"If you're a young person being called weird or different, I'm here to tell you that your critics do not count. Their words will fade. You will not." Why we love Justin Timberlake and these other celebrities with ADHD. ... start slideshow
"What My Worst Days with ADHD Feel Like"
Life Stories 11 slides
On good days, my acting skills are worthy of an Oscar. But on bad days, my ADHD pushes me into a dark, quiet personal world that few know exists. Here are 10 circumstances in which I feel overwhelmingly lost, alone, or confused — and no one else has a clue. ... start slideshow
The ADHD-Dopamine Link: Why You Crave Sugar and Carbs
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
Mainstream weight-loss regimens don't work for us. ADHD brains crave dopamine, which sugar and carbs deliver in spades (or rolls, as the case may be). To get healthy, we first have to get wise — and crafty. Here's how to lose weight the ADHD way. ... start slideshow
20 Gifts You Wish You’d Thought Of
Holidays & Travel 21 slides
An outlet that can remotely turn off the lights — AND remind you to take out your laundry? Sounds like a Christmas miracle! No matter what holiday you celebrate, these gifts — including a sleek vibrating wristwatch, a remote-controlled mop, and liquid timer — will help anyone with ADHD get organized, manage time, or just smile. ... start slideshow
8 Dream Jobs for the Easily Bored and Consistently Creative
Success on the Job 18 slides
"We think on our feet, we're creative problem-solvers, and we multitask like crazy!" 8 dream jobs that harness the innate skills and strengths of ADHD minds. ... start slideshow
12 Things You Don't Know About Me and My ADHD
Healthy Minds & Bodies 14 slides
What's it like having ADHD? I feel like a master of illusion. I’ll convince you I've got everything under control, but beneath the surface I hide anxiety, depression, self-doubt, shame, and feelings of inadequacy that even treatment can't erase. ... start slideshow
21 Products That Will Change Your Life
Gadgets & Gizmos 21 slides
Get organized. Increase your productivity. Wake up on time. Focus! Here is a short list of ADHD-friendly products we swear by - not at. ... start slideshow
Why People with ADHD Act The Way They Do
Healthy Minds & Bodies 13 slides
"The ADHD world is curvilinear. Past, present, and future are never separate and distinct. Everything is now." And that can complicate everyday life, work, and relationships. Here, Dr. William Dodson explains the neurological workings of the ADHD mind. ... start slideshow
Quit It! The 10 Worst Jobs for Restless Minds and Creative Spirits
Success on the Job 13 slides
Tedious, repetitive work is like Kryptonite for ADHD brains. Throw in some senseless deadlines, mindless filing, and persistent distractions, and you've got a living, breathing "Office Space." 10 jobs to avoid at all costs. ... start slideshow
Insomnia Solutions In Your Back Pocket
Gadgets & Gizmos 9 slides
70 percent of adults with ADHD spend at least one hour trying to fall asleep each night. These mobile apps can help you slow a racing brain, stay asleep, and wake up on time. ... start slideshow
"If You Love Me, Please Take This Seriously"
Life Stories 14 slides
We don’t mean to hurt you. But we do — again and again. You feel like screaming, pulling out your hair, or lying in bed and crying, “When will she get it? Will this ever stop?” I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that if you love someone with ADHD you need to read this with an open mind. ... start slideshow
Your Emotional Riot — Or Why ADHD Makes You Feel So Much
Healthy Minds & Bodies 11 slides
The volatile (and sometimes destructive) emotions associated with ADHD can manifest as frustration, sensitivity, or tendency to depression. Here’s what you should know to control it. ... start slideshow
"What It Feels Like Living with Undiagnosed ADHD"
Life Stories 14 slides
"It took every ounce of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength to live my life - until I finally met someone who listened to my story." Do you recognize your story here? ... start slideshow
17 Things to Love About ADHD!
Life Stories 20 slides
Don't mistake your ADHD strengths for symptoms! They are unique traits and abilities that make you more creative, spontaneous, caring, and energetic than anyone you know. Here are a few of our favorites benefits of ADHD. ... start slideshow
"What Is Wrong With Me?" ADHD Truths I Wish I Knew As a Child
Life Stories 12 slides
I grew up feeling something was wrong with me — that I was lesser, or maybe broken. Now I know that what others misidentified as ‘wrong’ or ‘different’ was actually extraordinary — and that ADHD can be an incredible asset if appreciated. ... start slideshow
The Honeymoon's Over. The Marriage Ain't.
Love and Friendships 14 slides
ADHD has soured many relationships — that is a fact. But separation is hardly a forgone conclusion. Here are 12 ways to mitigate the ADHD effect on marriage, and reconnect with your spouse. ... start slideshow
Finally, Apps That Build Productive Habits
Gadgets & Gizmos 12 slides
Some apps (Instagram, Facebook) suck your time into a black hole. Others (Listastic, 30/30, Evernote) can actually increase your productivity — a lot. Get busy downloading these time-management tools. ... start slideshow
All the Feelings, All the Time
Healthy Minds & Bodies 11 slides
ADHD seems to exacerbate and exaggerate everything — especially our senses. If you taste, smell, or hear in extremes, you're not alone. Here are common ADHD hypersensitivities — and expert recommendations for dialing them down. ... start slideshow
How Do You Know If You Have ADHD? Some Hysterical Hints
Life Stories 16 slides
"...You stop at the stop sign, and wait for it to turn green." It's funny because it's true. (And sad, and frustrating, and empowering...) Here, adults reflect on the many ways ADHD makes itself impossible to ignore. What were your early warning signs? ... start slideshow
Like a Personal Trainer for Your Brain
Gadgets & Gizmos 11 slides
What your brain does not need: more Candy Crush. What your brain does need: more apps like Lumosity and Elevate that build up stronger focus, longer memory, and more organized thoughts through practice and repetition. Check out these recommendations. ... start slideshow
"To Me, ADHD Feels Like..."
Life Stories 14 slides
"...Setting your car radio to 'scan' all of the stations. You hear clips of music and, before you can get into one particular song, it changes to the next station." ... start slideshow
ADHD in Exile: When the Shame of Living with a Disorder Is Worse Than the Disorder Itself
Healthy Minds & Bodies 14 slides
"For many people with ADHD, shame arises from the repeated failure to meet expectations from parents, teachers, friends, bosses, and the world." Here, Dr. William Dodson explains how to shed that emotional burden. Hint – don’t be afraid to ask for help. ... start slideshow
Life Is Too Short for Shame
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
Tired of feeling unworthy? Defective? Perpetually sorry? Some adults with ADHD feel weighted down by a lifetime of self-blame. Learn about where it comes from, why it's harmful, and how to set yourself free. ... start slideshow
"Suddenly, a Lifetime of Struggles Made Sense"
Healthy Minds & Bodies 20 slides
Lazy. Slow. Disorganized. Selfish. Too many adults spend their lives feeling defective, when really undiagnosed ADHD is to blame. Overlapping symptoms, persistent myths, and stigmas all make diagnosis difficult — here is what you need to know about ADD in adults. ... start slideshow
Your Never-To-Do List: How You're Wasting Time Every Single Day
Success on the Job 11 slides
Don't blame your kids, your job, or Instagram for stealing all of your precious hours. These bad habits are killing your productivity and stressing you out. How to stop wasting time. ... start slideshow
6 Breakfast Recipes You Can't Afford to Skip
Healthy Minds & Bodies 9 slides
Repeat after me: Coffee is not breakfast. Studies show that people who eat a real breakfast high in protein and vitamins are better able to concentrate, control their weight, and resist afternoon cravings. We suggest these recipes for igniting your neurotransmitters from dawn to dusk. ... start slideshow
20 Inspired Tools That Could Change Your Life
Holidays & Travel 21 slides
If you've ever lost your ear buds, overslept, or been too distracted to work, check out this list of must-have gift ideas for adults with ADHD. From fun to functional, these products and services sure beat another scented candle or Starbucks gift card. ... start slideshow
13 Clutter Hacks for the Easily Overwhelmed
The Organized Life 13 slides
Martha Stewart's organization guides are useless to you. What's more unrealistic? Neurotypical cleaning advice. They just don't work for adults with ADHD. For a down-to-Earth alternative, use these quick cleaning tips to restore order to your rooms and life. ... start slideshow
40 Little Life Hacks from ADHD Gurus
The Organized Life 10 slides
Run-of-the-mill organization strategies don't work. Our ADHD brains — and attention spans — need more creative, clever "organization hacks" to the problems of losing our keys, forgetting our bills, and missing appointments. Here they are. ... start slideshow
The Ultimate Room-by-Room Organization Guide
The Organized Life 14 slides
Tried-and-true organization tricks don't work for you. Why? You need a system designed for your ADHD mind. Efficiency is our battle cry in this room-by-room plan that nips common clutter magnets — like the dining room table or the hall closet — in the bud. ... start slideshow
10 Days to a Less Stressed You
The Organized Life 11 slides
Sometimes, small steps carry you the farthest. Try one of these simple mindfulness techniques to help you keep calm and reduce stress today — and another tomorrow. They'll add up quicker than you think. ... start slideshow
Are You Time Blind? 12 Ways to Use Every Hour Effectively
Managing Time & Money 15 slides
Staying aware of time and using it well — these are basic keys to success, whether you’re a fifth grader or the vice president of sales. But, as anyone with ADHD knows, it’s hard to realize when you're wasting time in the moment. Let these tips help you become more productive. ... start slideshow
It's Not as Bad as You Think
Healthy Minds & Bodies 13 slides
People with ADHD tend to "accentuate the negative," says one expert. Pull yourself out of the muck and into the sunlight again by weeding out counter-productive thoughts. Here's how. ... start slideshow
15 Mobile Apps That Could Save Your Butt
Gadgets & Gizmos 16 slides
You have ADHD. And bills to pay, errands to run, and a tendency to lose track of time. These mobile apps can help you control those symptoms — and many more that keep you from getting things done. ... start slideshow
The 15 Best ADHD Webinars of 2015
Healthy Minds & Bodies 17 slides
The connection between ADHD and executive function. Organization solutions. Homework routines that work. These webinars will challenge your ideas about ADHD — and equip your family with the most up-to-date information on treatment, parenting, tools, and more. Listen for free! ... start slideshow
9 Reasons I Waited So Long to Get Help...
Life Stories 13 slides
...and the one moment that changed everything for me after years of living with undiagnosed symptoms and wondering, "Do I have ADHD? Do I really want to know?" ... start slideshow
ADHD Is Your Wave. Learn How to Ride It.
Success on the Job 10 slides
Peter Shankman is a Fortune 500 marketing consultant, best-selling author, and in-demand public speaker who credits his ADHD with supplying the energy and curiosity that’s made him a success. Here is how he learned to harness the mighty power of his ADHD and ride that energy to great things. ... start slideshow
I Have ADHD. Now What?
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
Relief. Sadness. Anger. Regret. All of these emotions — simultaneously colliding in your brain — are normal following an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood. So is feeling overwhelmed. This 11-step plan is designed to help you move forward one step at a time. ... start slideshow
6 Mistakes I Made with My Kids
Life Stories 10 slides
"I grew up feeling like a failure. This feeling of worthlessness impacted everything in my life, including my ability to parent. I’ve learned how to be a better parent with time and practice, but these regrets will forever remind me of life’s greatest lessons." ... start slideshow
11 Things I Tell Myself When I Feel Hopeless
Healthy Minds & Bodies 13 slides
'Adulting' is hard. Doing it with ADHD sometimes feels impossible. The trick is reminding yourself it’s not. Here are the positive affirmations for success that I use to keep me moving forward despite any setback. ... start slideshow
9 Ways to Be a Better Dad
Healthy Minds & Bodies 14 slides
Some fathers with ADHD have anger problems. Others struggle to follow through or praise their kids. But we know plenty of creative, loving Dads who bring out the best in their kids. Here's how to follow their example. ... start slideshow
13 Blogs We Love by Adults with ADHD
Life Stories 13 slides
When you're living with ADHD, a little commiseration and understanding can go a long way toward making you feel less alone. To that end, here are 13 great blogs by people who share in the challenges, uncertainty, and joy of living with adult ADHD. ... start slideshow
33 Ways to Get Things Done — Consistently
The Organized Life 14 slides
Getting things done is about more than syncing calendars — it's about proving that ADHD does not rule our lives. Start by letting go of perfectionism. Then use these 33 tips and tools to fight chronic disorganization everyday. ... start slideshow
The Dopamine-Sugar Link That's Sabotaging Your Diet
Healthy Minds & Bodies 17 slides
The ADHD brain craves dopamine, the neurotransmitter that impacts mood, motivation, memory, and more. Dopamine is released when we exercise — and when we eat doughnuts, which is a problem. Understand the neurology behind your cravings, and how to manage your weight-loss plan. ... start slideshow
What I Would Never Trade Away
Life Stories 14 slides
The positives of ADHD are numerous and mighty — creativity, empathy, and tenacity, just to name a few. Here, readers share their amazing superpowers. ... start slideshow
You Probably Have ADHD If...
Life Stories 20 slides
... You lost your child's homework. Or can't find the phone you're talking on. Or left your keys in the freezer. Read these funny (and frustrating...and embarrassing) anecdotes submitted by other adults with ADHD — and know you're not alone. ... start slideshow
Oh, I See You're Awake, Too
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
It's as if your brain switches into overdrive when the lights go out. In a flash, to-do list items, forgotten tasks, and brilliant ideas begin flooding your mind — all when you should be sleeping. Learn how to train your body and mind to settle down so you can finally rest. ... start slideshow
A Get-Things-Done Guide for the Overwhelmed and Overloaded
The Organized Life 12 slides
You can't hide from your to-do list forever. Use these 11 strategies for de-cluttering, managing paper, overcoming distractions, and getting things done. ... start slideshow
Simmer Down, Santa!
Managing Time & Money 12 slides
Remember: A "deal" is only good if you can afford it! Resist overspending this holiday season by following our step-by-step guide for devising a budget you can actually stick to. ... start slideshow
Do a Better Job On the Job
Success on the Job 19 slides
Organization skills. Time management. Focus. Follow through. If these are not necessarily your strongest traits, use these tips to improve your job performance and harness your ADHD. ... start slideshow
Tired of Feeling Tired? How to Solve Common Sleep Problems
Healthy Minds & Bodies 11 slides
Sleep difficulties — falling asleep quickly, staying asleep consistently, and waking up on time — go hand-in-hand with adult ADHD. Here, Dr. Robert Olivardia advises strategies like progressive muscle relaxation or melatonin that may make the difference between a groggy next morning and a refreshed one. ... start slideshow
When Panic Attacks: How to Fend Off ADHD Stress
Managing Time & Money 11 slides
They say the first step is the hardest. And, you know, sometimes they are right. When you feel too overwhelmed and overloaded to even begin a project, use these techniques to move forward — without all the ADHD stress. ... start slideshow
You Mean It's NOT ADHD?
Healthy Minds & Bodies 10 slides
Misdiagnosed ADHD in adults can create a lifetime of emotional turmoil. Why can't I keep up? Why is this so hard? Dr. Dodson explains how to spot the signs and (finally!) understand what's holding you back. ... start slideshow
How to Finish What You Start
Managing Time & Money 13 slides
A world-class ADHD coach explains why it's so hard for you to stay on task — and how to finally master time management with a daily plan that's neither daunting nor stressful. ... start slideshow
"It's a Wonder I Get Anything Done!"
Success on the Job 16 slides
Distracting co-workers. Messy desks. Monotonous work. Focusing on the job isn't easy with ADHD. Here, ADDitude readers share their 14 best tricks. ... start slideshow
The Procrastinator's Guide to Getting Things Done
Success on the Job 11 slides
Everyone procrastinates sometimes. You do it more. Maybe you’re a perfectionist. Maybe you get overwhelmed. Whatever the reason, this "stop putting things off" guide will end the cycle for good. ... start slideshow
7 Secrets of the Most Obnoxiously Punctual People
Managing Time & Money 11 slides
According to you, every destination is 20 minutes away and every appointment takes an hour. This is absolutely not true. And it's upending your schedule, straining your relationships, and stressing you out. How to be on time, every time! ... start slideshow
The Best Habits of Thoughtful, Loyal Friends
Love and Friendships 12 slides
Do you pay enough attention to the relationships that matter most? ADHD or not, the answer is probably "well, um, not really." Use these strategies to make friendships more manageable, fulfilling, and sustainable for everyone. ... start slideshow
When Your Mess Is Causing Stress
The Organized Life 15 slides
Disorganization makes you feel out of control. And that's stressful. The solution is not a complete life overhaul. Instead, try these easy ADHD organization tips to regain control, reduce stress, and simplify your life. ... start slideshow
9 Productivity Tricks for the Easily Distracted
The Organized Life 10 slides
Your phone is buzzing. A coworker is typing. Facebook is calling. The list of potential distractions keeping you from a tedious or overwhelming task is never ending. Use these strategies to resist the urge to wander. ... start slideshow
Funny Because It's True. True Because You Have ADHD.
Life Stories 17 slides
15 wise and funny quotes about living with ADHD to help you crack a smile after a stressful, disappointing day. Yes, there are people out there who get you! ... start slideshow
Vacations Are Supposed to Be Fun, Right?!?
Holidays & Travel 13 slides
"The passports should be in this bag!" "What confirmation code?" "Can we just turn around and go home?" Sound familiar? Vacations aren't always perfect. In fact, they can be downright exhausting and stressful — especially when ADHD comes along for the ride. It doesn't have to be this way, though, with these sure-fire travel tips! ... start slideshow
Repeat After Me: I Can. And I Will.
Managing Time & Money 12 slides
Focus. Prioritize. Delegate. These are the standard rules of productivity. And they don't work for us. People with ADHD operate differently. We need incentives, positive affirmations, and visible deadlines. 10 ways to light a fire under your brain's butt. ... start slideshow
13 Coping Skills You Haven't Mastered — Yet
Managing Time & Money 15 slides
You will never love meetings. Or grocery shopping. Or alarm clocks. Accept these ADHD truths to be self-evident, and get on with living by following these practical rules for life. ... start slideshow
Overwhelmed? 10 Ways to Quiet the Chaos
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
You're always running late. Your house is a mess. And you're up late catching up on work again. When it all feels like too much, try these strategies tackling organization one day at a time. ... start slideshow
The ADHD Guide to Saving Money
Managing Time & Money 17 slides
The road to financial stability (and actual savings) is not complicated, but it's not easy, either. This easy-to-follow plan can help you get out of debt, lower your monthly bills, and spend less. The trick is sticking with it. ... start slideshow
Your Own Worst Enemy: Silencing Negative Self Talk
Healthy Minds & Bodies 8 slides
Your inner voice can be a real jerk sometimes. Research confirms that transforming negative self-talk into positive thoughts can improve performance & happiness. Here’s how ... start slideshow
10 ADHD Quotes to Save for a Bad Day
Life Stories 12 slides
Be inspired by these words of wisdom, from Adam Levine, David Neeleman, and other ADHD celebrities — plus regular people just like you — who never stopped believing they could achieve greatness. ... start slideshow
ADHD and Addiction: The Truth About Substance Abuse
Healthy Minds & Bodies 17 slides
Substance abuse and addiction are real challenges for many ADHD adults who struggle with their symptoms and with feelings of shame or social stigma. Read on to learn why the risks of abuse are elevated, how to avoid addiction, and what treatment plans work best. ... start slideshow
When You Need to Make Changes at Work
Success on the Job 13 slides
ADHD symptoms of distractibility, procrastination, and disorganization can cause problems at work. If you need workplace accommodations to mitigate the impact of ADHD on your job performance, follow these steps to become a self-advocate, to lobby for your rights, and to remain professional and you navigate bureaucracy. ... start slideshow
Grocery Shopping Is the Worst. Make It Better With These Tips.
Managing Time & Money 13 slides
An efficient shopping trip requires iron-clad planning, time-management, organization, and self-control skills. So is it any wonder that adults with ADHD hate the grocery store so much? These survival strategies can help. ... start slideshow
13 Ways to Defeat Analysis Paralysis
Healthy Minds & Bodies 16 slides
Are you frozen somewhere between, “There’s too much information to consider” and “I can’t make up my mind?” People with ADHD excel at making split-second decisions under high-pressure circumstances. What's much tougher: weighing complex information to make an informed choice. These strategies can help. ... start slideshow
ADHD and College: Survival Guide for Teens On Their Own
College & Young Adults 14 slides
12 recommendations, resources, and warnings for any new college student with ADHD or learning disabilities. Number One? Visit your school's Disabilities Office. Now. ... start slideshow
There's No Cure for Bad Therapy
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
The wrong therapist can do far more harm than good for an adult with ADHD. Here are 10 archetypes — from the Disciplinarian to the Drug Pusher to the Blame Gamer — that aren't worth your time or money. ... start slideshow
They Should Teach This Stuff In High School
College & Young Adults 15 slides
"Do or do not; there is no try." And 7 more mantras for any teen with ADHD who's trying to figure out where to go next, how to follow a passion, who to ask for help, and what past mistakes they can avoid by making better decisions. ... start slideshow
The Opposite of Distracted. The Epitome of Productive.
Healthy Minds & Bodies 10 slides
Hyperfocus is a blessing and a curse. When you're intensely concentrating on work, it's great. Not so much when you get sucked into a video game. Here, learn how to use hyperfocus to your advantage. ... start slideshow
Secrets to Stress-Free Dinner Planning
Managing Time & Money 9 slides
Meds are wearing off. Homework battles have begun. Tummies are grumbling. And you're exhausted. The lead up to dinner is never relaxing, but these expert tips should help parents get food on the table fast — and without meltdowns! ... start slideshow
13 Survival Tips from College Graduates with ADHD
College & Young Adults 13 slides
College is not a time to wait and see what happens. It is a time to plan, prepare, and anticipate every conceivable ADHD-related challenge. Begin by following these guidelines for teens leaving the house and living independently for the first time. They could save you a lot of anguish — and money. ... start slideshow
What To Do When SuperMom Has ADHD
The Organized Life 11 slides
Some say being a mom is the most important job in the world. When ADHD gets involved — yours or your child's — it's also one of the toughest! Make it a little easier with these tips to relieve the stress. ... start slideshow
10 Ways to Simplify Any Kitchen
The Organized Life 12 slides
Dirty dishes... stuffed cabinets... piles of mail. It gets overwhelming, fast. Follow these 10 easy tips to keep your kitchen uncluttered and not so stressful. ... start slideshow
Post-Its, Timers, iPhone Reminders, and Other Life-Saving Tools
Gadgets & Gizmos 11 slides
From smartphone apps to good old-fashioned pen and paper, ADDitude readers recommend the tools that best help them stay organized and on top of ADHD symptoms. ... start slideshow
ADHD Holiday Survival Guide
Holidays & Travel 10 slides
10 tips to help you enjoy the holiday season and start the new year energized, refreshed, and happy. ... start slideshow
10 Toxic Thoughts That Are Holding You Back
Healthy Minds & Bodies 12 slides
We are our own toughest critics. And negative self-talk can lead to serious health consequences, so it's got to stop. Here are 10 of the most common "toxic thoughts" that are sabotaging you — and what you can do to break free. ... start slideshow
Your Day is Getting Better — Starting Now
Healthy Minds & Bodies 17 slides
You're late. The car won't start. You left the dry cleaning behind, again. It's just one of those days. But sometimes 'bad' is just a frame of mind, which can be helped with a little inspiration and perspective on living with ADHD. ... start slideshow
"Why Don't I Have Any Friends?"
Love and Friendships 11 slides
"I will be late. I will forget plans. I will miss your birthday. I will seem like a self-centered and ditzy friend at times. But I promise I'm trying, because I really do love you." 10 ways any adult with ADHD can become a better friend, starting today. ... start slideshow
You're Wasting Time. These Apps Can Help.
Managing Time & Money 9 slides
You know what needs to get done. But on the path from Point A to Point B, so many distractions and diversions slow you down it's maddening. How can you more efficiently tackle each day's to-do list? These mobile apps can help! ... start slideshow
The Civil War Inside My Brain
Life Stories 13 slides
ADHD is a perplexing, frustrating, and disruptive condition still too often questioned and misunderstood. We are smart, people say. We just need to try harder, or get organized, or stop procrastinating. If only it were that easy. Here's the truth about why we can't always do what is good for us. ... start slideshow