6 Breakfast Recipes You Can't Afford to Skip

Repeat after me: Coffee is not breakfast. Studies show that people who eat a real breakfast high in protein and vitamins are better able to concentrate, control their weight, and resist afternoon cravings. We suggest these recipes for igniting your neurotransmitters from dawn to dusk.

Breakfast Is Not a Luxury

Breakfast can make or break your entire day. We all know this, but we're also guilty of forgetting it — especially after struggling to wake up on time, churn through the morning routine, and get to work on time. At these time, we might try to pass off coffee and a Pop-Tart as a adequate breakfast. But it's not. Only eating the right kinds of food — and doing so within 30 minutes of waking up — will give your ADHD brain the boost of neurotransmitters it needs to stay focused, energized, and happy all day long.

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