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Writers' Guidelines for ADDitude Magazine

Thank you for your interest in writing for ADDitude. We're always looking for great writers and great stories about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and related conditions.

Most of the articles we publish are written by journalists and mental-health professionals. However, we are generally willing to consider first-person articles by parents, employers, teachers, etc. who have personal experience with ADHD or LD and whose insights might be helpful to ADDitude's readers (most of whom are parents of children with ADHD or a learning disability and/or adults with ADHD).

Reading back issues of the magazine is a good way to get a sense of the kinds of articles we publish. Please be aware that story concepts you propose may have been suggested previously by others or may already be planned for publication by our editorial staff.

If you'd like to propose an article idea or submit a manuscript you've already written, please send a query letter to ADDitude.

Your query letter should include:

  • A brief description or outline of your idea
  • Why you think it belongs in our magazine
  • Why you should be the one to write it
  • Any recent clips you may have

If we're interested in your idea, we’ll get back to you, generally within six weeks, with details about the assignment (deadline, payment, and so on).

We prefer to receive submissions via e-mail, as attachments. But we accept submissions via US mail, as well.

Email ADDitude

ADDitude Magazine
108 West 39th Street, Suite 805
New York, NY 10018

Important Details

  • It generally takes us 6-8 weeks to respond to a submission.
  • We regret that we are unable to return any materials you submit.
  • Articles are usually 2,000 words or less and payment varies according to the article length, the experience and expertise of the author, and other factors.
  • We consider all submissions on a speculative basis. We cannot guarantee that a proposed article, even one that we've expressed interest in, will be published.
  • Payment is made upon publication of an article. If an assigned article is not accepted for publication, we will pay a "kill" fee.

Blogger Guidelines

Interested in blogging for ADDitudeMag.com? Take a look at our blogs -- written by parents of ADHD children, adults living with ADD, and even a CEO with ADHD -- and consider how your blog topic is unique from others already covered.

ADDitude bloggers must contribute posts once a week. Compensation varies based on experience and level of contribution.

How to Apply

- Please send a 300-word sample blog post covering the topic you’d like to blog about (i.e., your work as an ADHD coach, or a review of an ADHD-friendly product). Additionally, you may send us a sample of previously published work that reflects your ability and interest in blogging on an ADHD-related topic.

- Because our writers are expected to contribute on a weekly basis, we also ask that you send 10 additional post topics, complete with a headline and one-paragraph blurb for each.

Please send all blogging applications, as one attached file (as an .rtf or .doc file, or as a PDF) via email. Please allow six to eight weeks for a reply.