The Civil War Inside My Brain

ADHD is a perplexing, frustrating, and disruptive condition still too often questioned and misunderstood. We are smart, people say. We just need to try harder, or get organized, or stop procrastinating. If only it were that easy. Here's the truth about why we can't always do what is good for us.

1. ADHD is Real

If you have ADHD, you know it’s real. Too real. Inescapable and undeniable, in fact. But to anyone standing outside our brains, ADHD is a confusing, contradictory concept.

My loved ones scratch their heads, trying to reconcile my intelligence with my sometimes careless, spaced-out, and clueless behavior. “How can such a smart, capable person makes such foolish choices,” they ask. They become convinced that I just don’t care or I’m not applying myself. “If you wanted to, you could do it,” they say. When I insist that I can’t, the response is something like, “Don’t say you ‘can’t.’ That’s nonsense. You’re just making excuses for something you don’t want to do.”
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