"What Is Wrong With Me?" ADHD Truths I Wish I Knew As a Child

I grew up feeling something was wrong with me — that I was lesser, or maybe broken. Now I know that what others misidentified as ‘wrong’ or ‘different’ was actually extraordinary — and that ADHD can be an incredible asset if appreciated.

ADHD After All These Years

I heard my third grade teacher’s voice, but the flowers outside the window were calling my name louder, so I paid attention to them. She clapped her hands in front of my face and snapped, “Why aren’t you paying attention? Stop daydreaming.” I was paying attention, just not to the correct things, apparently. Embarrassed and ashamed, I wanted to run away and cry.  

“ADD can cause feelings of shame, fear, and self-doubt,” says Edward Hallowell, M.D. As parents, we need to know this. We need to recognize when our kids are hurting under the strain of ridicule, challenges, and frustration. We need to remind ourselves to see the beauty, joy, and wisdom in our children.

Here’s what I wish I would knew when I was a child with ADHD. 
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