Quiz: Adults, Could You Have an Executive Function Problem?

Working memory, a critical executive functioning skill, is where you store the information you need to complete a task. If you are reading a story, for example, you will store information about what you have read here. As you continue to read, your working memory helps you recall what already happened and relate it to what you are reading now. Working memory is essential in learning and everyday tasks.

Question 4 of 10
Question 4 of 10
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You are completing a task with several steps, such as getting the trash, taking it outside and then putting a new bag in the trash can. You usually forget the last step.

You must complete the question in order to continue
  • Often
  • Not often
YOUR ANSWER : Not often
Adults and school age children usually have the ability to follow tasks with more than two steps. If you have poor working memory it might be hard to keep all the steps in mind.
This is not a diagnostic tool. If you have concerns about working memory or executive function see a mental health professional. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through professional evaluation. Screener for personal use only.