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Quiz: Adults, Could You Have an Executive Function Problem?

Working memory, a critical executive functioning skill, is where you store the information you need to complete a task. If you are reading a story, for example, you will store information about what you have read here. As you continue to read, your working memory helps you recall what already happened and relate it to what you are reading now. Working memory is essential in learning and everyday tasks.

Q1 : You have something you want to ask your friend, but she is on the phone and you must wait a few minutes before asking. By the time she is finished, you completely forget what you wanted to ask.

Your answer :

Q2 : You plan to complete some work at home and pack up the items you need a the end of your work day. When you sit down to do the work, you realize that you forgot to bring home several critical items.

Your answer :

Q3 : You are having a conversation with a friend. You find it difficult to follow the conversation, forgetting what your friend said just moments before.

Your answer :

Q4 : You are completing a task with several steps, such as getting the trash, taking it outside and then putting a new bag in the trash can. You usually forget the last step.

Your answer :

Q5 : When you read something, you usually end up going back to reread the prior section because you can’t remember it.

Your answer :

Q6 : You constantly misplace your cell phone. You feel like you waste time every day looking for your phone and other misplaced items like keys or glasses.

Your answer :

Q7 : You are often accused of not listening because you don’t follow through on tasks you are asked to do.

Your answer :

Q8 : You have a hard time remembering people’s names, even if you have met them multiple times.

Your answer :

Q9 : In the morning, you usually rush around to get ready for work but still often end up being late.

Your answer :

Q10 : You have a hard time managing large projects, even when you break them down into steps, you find you miss steps or end up spending too much time on tasks that don’t have much importance.

Your answer :

Your Score
There's a strong possibility that you have some working memory issues and possibly other executive function deficits. Print out these test results and speak to a medical or neuropsychology professional about an evaluation.
There's a strong possibility that you have some working memory issues and possibly other executive function deficits. Print out these test results and speak to a medical or neuropsychology professional about an evaluation.
You might benefit from some working memory exercises. Print out these test results and speak to a medical or neuropsychology professional about an evaluation.
With these results, you probably don’t have a working memory problem. Everyone forgets sometimes, especially during times of stress or when you are juggling multiple tasks. If you still have concerns, print out these test results and speak to a medical or neuropsychology professional about an evaluation.
You most likely do not have a working memory or executive function problem. If you still have concerns, print out these test results and speak to a medical or neuropsychology professional about an evaluation.

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