Could It Be Depression, Not ADHD?

Wondering whether your mood swings, forgetfulness, inability to focus, and lack of motivation are signs of depression rather than ADHD? Based on your feelings over the last week, complete this screener and take the results to a mental health professional for evaluation.

Q1 : I feel hopeless about my future.

Your answer :

Q2 : I do tasks sluggishly.

Your answer :

Q3 : I find it difficult to concentrate on reading.

Your answer :

Q4 : I don't find pleasure or joy in life.

Your answer :

Q5 : I feel very tired.

Your answer :

Q6 : I am indecisive.

Your answer :

Q7 : I feel sad and unhappy.

Your answer :

Q8 : I feel agitated and can't sit still.

Your answer :

Q9 : It takes a lot of effort for me to complete straight-forward tasks.

Your answer :

Q10 : I feel at-fault and deserving of punishment.

Your answer :

Q11 : I don't feel full of life.

Your answer :

Q12 : I don't sleep well (I sleep too much, too little, or my sleep is disrupted).

Your answer :

Q13 : I feel like a loser.

Your answer :

Q14 : I have thought about how I might end my life.

Your answer :

Q15 : I feel stuck.

Your answer :

Q16 : My weight fluctuates without trying to diet.

Your answer :

Q17 : Even when good things happen to me, I feel sad.

Your answer :

Your Score
Please see a trained health care professional as there is a possibility that you may have depression.
Please see a trained health care professional as there is a possibility that you may have depression.
Please see a trained health care professional as there is a possibility that you may have depression.
Your symptoms are only somewhat suggestive of depression. Based on your level of concern, you should see a trained health care professional nonetheless.
Your answers suggest that you do not have depression.

Adapted from the Goldberg Depression Inventory (c. 1993). Not a diagnostic tool. If you have concerns about possible depression see a mental health professional. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through clinical evaluation. Screener for personal use only.