How Well Do You Know Special-Ed Law?

Schools don’t always follow the law when providing accommodations for children protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Do you know which special-education services children with ADHD and LD are entitled to? Test your knowledge here.

Question 10 of 10
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Schools may require a medical diagnosis of ADHD at the parents’ expense prior to proceeding with an evaluation for special education or a 504 Plan.

You must complete the question in order to continue
  • True
  • False
A : True
A : False
False. If a school requires or recommends a medical, psychiatric, or neurological evaluation to determine eligibility for special education or a 504 Plan, the evaluation must be at no cost to the parent. The school must pay for it.
Excellent - a perfect Score. Take a look at the other quizzes and see if you can ace them too !
Awesome - you know what you are talking about. You really know your stuff, but check out our other quizzes and see how you go on them.
Your knowledge of this subject is passable. Read some more, then come back to take the quiz again to see how you have improved.
You should probably take some time to brush up on the subject. Or take the quiz again and see if you can remember the answers.
Oh, dear. That was not so great. Try again. Please...just for me? I'm sure you can get at least one answer correct.