Downplaying Competition


"Whenever my 9-year-old sees anyone else get praise, he winds up feeling bad about himself or he puts the person down. How can I help him improve his attitude?"


Sounds like a good time to have a discussion about the Golden Rule.

Your son must learn that, to make and keep friends, he has to be a friend. That means looking for the good in others and giving compliments.

Competition drives us to do our best, as long as it's tempered with compassion. Does your son play a sport? Ask his coach to reinforce your efforts on the home front with a pep talk about what it means to be a team player.

Sandy Maynard lives in Washington, DC where she operates Catalytic Coaching. She was instrumental in the development of The National Attention Deficit Disorder Association's Coaching Guidelines and a founding board member for the Institute for the Advancement of AD/HD Coaching (IAAC). Sandy lectures internationally and is a regular contributor to ADDitude.
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