Giving a Parental Push


"My son has done nothing since graduating from high school last spring. I don’t want to push him, but based on my own ADD experience, I know that he might not take his next step without some outside pressure. What can I do?"


Show your ADD/ADHD teen you care by getting involved.

Pose questions that will help him think about his options and interests: “If you were to continue with your education, what would you like to study?” If he’s more inclined to begin working: “Would you prefer to work inside or outside, and why? Do you prefer working with people, or on your own?”

Brainstorm career choices with him, then help him prioritize his list. Offer to help him look for a job, or encourage him to sign up with a career counselor at a local university or community center. Just remember not to make any decisions for him.

Sandy Maynard lives in Washington, DC where she operates Catalytic Coaching. She was instrumental in the development of The National Attention Deficit Disorder Association's Coaching Guidelines and a founding board member for the Institute for the Advancement of AD/HD Coaching (IAAC). Sandy lectures internationally and is a regular contributor to ADDitude.
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