
Kay Marner

Kay Marner is the chronically overwhelmed mother of two: her neurotypical, very bright, biological son Aaron; and her one-of-a-kind daughter, Natalie, adopted from Russia, who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), sensory processing disorder, and developmental delays.

She is the author of one (so far!) children's picture book, the editor of an anthology about the experience of parenting kids with ADD/ADHD, and contributes to a collaborative blog, "a mom's view of ADHD." These, and other writing opportunities, serve to legitimize the time she wastes communing with her laptop and drinking coffee (Sumatran, with cream) at Stomping Grounds several mornings each week. Her husband, Don, a landscape architect, may not always understand her inability to cope with this very nice life, but supports her, without question, anyway.

Kay has recurring dreams that it's the last day of vacation, and she hasn’t played in the ocean yet. She always misses the flight home. She loves reading, Breyer's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, sleeping in, and Club Night (drinking wine and eating gourmet food with three other couples). She's thankful for her extended family, good friends, and reliable babysitters.

Her life may look picture-perfect, but one of her biggest blessings -- being Natalie’s mom -- is also her biggest challenge! And the reason she blogs about living in knee-deep clutter, managing Nat's special services, Nat's intense neediness (“MOM-EEEEEEEEE!”), and (oh, let's not forget) finding time to mother her other child, and how she copes -- or doesn't -- with this picture-perfect life.

Read Kay's ADHD Parenting Blog and browse her blog archives: 2008, 2009, and 2010.

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