Behavior Therapy Works Better for Children with ADD

Behavior modification can reduce the need for ADHD medication in children with attention deficit disorder.

Although cognitive-behavioral therapy often works well for adults with ADD, it doesn't seem to work as well for children with the disorder. But many kids do respond to a related approach known as behavior modification (BMOD). In fact, there's some evidence to suggest that BMOD can significantly reduce the need for medication.

Behavior modification attempts to shape a child's behavior by rewarding the things she does right - by offering praise or privileges for completing tasks, following rules, and so on - and by discouraging unacceptable behavior with criticism or withdrawal of privileges. While CBT is usually administered by a therapist to an individual child, behavior modification aims to change the child's environment by training parents and teachers to act firmly and consistently.

Behavior modification training for parents is available at community mental health clinics throughout the nation, as well as from local chapters of CHADD and ADDA.

TAGS: Behavior Therapy for ADHD

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