The Kids Are All Late (for School)

Tired of feeling rushed, late, and unprepared – for every event every time? Ease your family's time crunch with these creative ways to teach time management to kids with ADHD.

An ADHD teen plays with his cell phone. Timers and clocks can help ADHD children with time management.

Our house rule is that you must work before you play.

— Ross, ADDitude reader

ADDITUDE ASKED: How do you teach time management to your child?

Is there a bigger challenge than helping an ADHD child be mindful of time? Probably not. But ADDitude parents are persistent and creative, as the following tips show.

> We use a portable white board and do some creative sketching of what he should do first, second, third, and so on. Our house rule is that you must work before you play. - Ross, Alberta

> I post reminders. I tape an index card, with written reminders, to the inside of my son's backpack. I write down the morning routine on printer paper and hang it up in his bedroom, so he can see it when he wakes up. I put another list next to the front door. It helps me, too. - An ADDitude Reader

> Simple. I usually let my daughter know that she has 15 minutes before she has to leave. - Ginger, Missouri

> I assign chores each day and pay my daughter only for the tasks completed that day. I deduct allowance for those that are not done. - Celeste, Kentucky

> We place lots of clocks around the house. When he plays on the computer, I make sure that a clock is always in his field of vision, so he knows when to stop. - Tina, Pennsylvania

> I use visual schedules, countdowns for ending a task, and give him rewards for finishing tasks early. - Karen, California

> I give him time updates before changing from one activity to another. This allows him to prepare for changes ahead. - Laura, Texas

> I use a timer to get him to be productive in the short term. It is helpful. - Kim, Pennsylvania


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TAGS: ADHD Time Management

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