Stimulants and Reflux


"My daughter has been taking a stimulant for nine months, and recently, she's been getting stomach aches and vomiting after eating. Her doctor says she has reflux."

Dr. Larry Silver specializes in treating children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD).

Since your daughter has been taking the stimulant for months and has developed these problems only recently, it's probably not the stimulant. Her doctor is right to look for another cause, and I urge her to follow his proposed treatment.

Larry Silver, M.D., is clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and director of training in child and adolescent psychiatry at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He is a former acting director and deputy director of the National Institute of Mental Health, as well as the author of Dr. Larry Silver's Advice to Parents on AD/HD and The Misunderstood Child: Understanding and Coping with Your Child's Learning Disabilities.
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