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Archives: April 2015

posted: Wednesday April 29th - 2:27pm

New Study: Autism – Like ADHD – Diagnosed Later in Girls

Research shows that symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show up differently in girls, which may mean physicians overlook the condition for longer.

Posted Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 Like ADHD, autism spectrum disorders look different in girls and in boys — and that disparity may be delaying diagnosis for some girls with the condition. This is the finding reported in a new study by the Kennedy Krieger Institute, and presented at the Pediatrics Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting in San Diego. This research suggests that girls’ symptoms are misunderstood, ignored, and/or...
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posted: Tuesday April 28th - 12:51pm

New Study: Children with ADHD At Risk for Eating Disorders

New research finds kids with ADHD are 12 times more likely to binge eat than are children without the condition.

Posted Tuesday April 28th, 2015 ADHD is often linked to unwanted weight gain and loss. Children with ADHD are sometimes underweight because medications suppress appetite. Adults with ADHD struggle with dieting because their chemical wiring increases dopamine-seeking cravings for carbohydrates. A new study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, and published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders sheds more light on the food-ADHD connection. The...
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posted: Wednesday April 22nd - 2:40pm

New Study: Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism

New research finds that the MMR vaccine does not increase the likelihood of developing autism – even for kids at higher risk.

posted Wednesday April 22, 2015 Do childhood vaccinations cause autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? This question has dominated the media and medical conversations across America for the last decade. A new research study answers it definitively: No. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, shows no correlation between receiving the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and being diagnosed with ASD. The study compared the risk of...
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posted: Wednesday April 22nd - 12:14pm

Focused Fidgeting: Children with ADHD Learn and Remember More When Moving

A new study shows that movement helps ADHD children perform better in school.

Most parents raising children with ADHD know that their kids focus best when they’re moving — even if it’s just fidgeting with a small toy under the desk. Teachers and school administrators, however, have long viewed these hyperactive tendencies as disruptive. Now, ADHDers have the science to back up their claims, as a new study shows that ADHD children who are allowed to fidget learn better...
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posted: Wednesday April 8th - 1:43pm

High-Altitude Living Linked to Lower ADHD Rates

Fresh mountain air may have health benefits after all when it comes to attention deficit.

The ultimate cause of ADHD is still up in the air, but researchers might have found a new piece of the puzzle: As altitude goes up, the prevalence of ADHD appears to go down. The study, published in the Journal of Attention Disorders, found a strong and consistent negative correlation between states’ average altitudes and their rate of ADHD. In Utah, for example, where the average altitude...
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posted: Monday April 6th - 3:39pm

Young Parental Age May Increase Risk of Childhood ADHD

Teen parents may face an additional burden: increased risk of ADHD in their offspring.

Children born to teen parents may have an increased risk for ADHD, a new study finds. The study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, looked at more than 50,000 individuals born in Finland between 1991 and 2005. Researchers found that having one parent younger than age 20 increased the risk of ADHD by 50 percent — and if both...
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posted: Monday April 6th - 2:46pm

Smoke Exposure Linked to Increased Rates of Childhood ADHD

New research finds that inhaling secondhand tobacco smoke at home can increase a child’s likelihood of developing ADHD by up to three fold.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that two out of every five children in the United States are exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis. Now, a new study from Spain shows an association between breathing tobacco smoke at home and rates of ADHD in childhood. What might this mean for the health of children in the U.S., and around the world? The...
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posted: Thursday April 2nd - 3:38pm

Study: Adults Without ADHD Abusing Prescription Stimulant Drugs

The number of stimulants prescribed to adults is outpacing the number of adult ADHD diagnoses. A new study raises the question, are people who don’t need the drugs using them to get an edge at work? And if so, what are the risks?

Prescription stimulant drugs like Ritalin, Daytrana, Concerta and Adderall are amphetamines that can help people with ADHD improve their memory, focus, and control by affecting the brain’s neurotransmitters. For people with the condition, these medications level the playing field at work and in life by balancing dopamine levels otherwise impaired by ADHD. But what if the people taking the drugs don’t actually have ADHD? A new study...
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posted: Thursday April 2nd - 11:53am

Trending: New Nationwide Study on ADHD Treatment in Children

In the first study of its kind, the CDC looks at how children are being treated state by state.

A new study finds that less than half of all U.S. children with ADHD receive behavioral therapy to treat the condition, while over 70 percent are taking ADHD medication. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recent study on ADHD tracked the use of medication, behavioral therapy, and supplements in all 50 states. They found that, among ADHD children between the ages of 4 and 17,...
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